How SelfLube Solves Your Problems

10 May 2024

Solving Your Challenges with Precision: How SelfLube Is Your Ultimate Solution

In the world of precision mold and die components, where excellence is not just a preference but a necessity, SelfLube stands tall as the leading U.S. manufacturer. 

With a history dating back to 1990, SelfLube has evolved from a modest venture into the substantial player it is today, providing high-value products and services to clients across the United States and Canada.

The SelfLube Process

At the heart of SelfLube's success is the flexible and efficient SelfLube process. The journey began when Engineer and Management Consultant Phil Allor acquired some used CNC equipment and began producing self-lubricating wear plates. Over the years, the company has grown and adapted to the changing needs of the industry.

SelfLube specializes in manufacturing both conventional and self-lubricating components, available in both inch and metric sizes. The company’s flexible process enables it to produce a product line of more than 10,000 standard part numbers. And if a standard part won’t do, this same flexible process also enables the company to do customization. This means that SelfLube can accommodate virtually any size or special configuration required by customers, making it the go-to solution for complex tools and special machines.

Customer Service

What sets SelfLube apart is not just the quality of its products, but also the excellence of our customer service. Our commitment to providing consistently high value extends beyond manufacturing to the relationships we build with clients. By almost exclusively selling direct, SelfLube streamlines the process, saving customers both time and money.

One of the key indicators of exceptional customer service is SelfLube's impressive track record of 99% on-time shipping. In an industry where timing is critical, this commitment to punctuality showcases SelfLube’s dedication to meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Custom Design

Recognizing that one size does not fit all in the world of precision components, SelfLube takes pride in its ability to offer custom design solutions. 

Whether clients require special sizes or configurations, SelfLube's expertise allows for the creation of bespoke components that align perfectly with the unique needs of each project.

Quality Assurance

In the realm of precision manufacturing, quality is non-negotiable. SelfLube's unwavering commitment to quality is evident in its impressive thirteen consecutive zero non-conformance ISO 9001 audits

This remarkable achievement speaks volumes about our dedication to maintaining the highest standards and ensuring that each component that leaves its facility is of the utmost quality.

SelfLube Is Your Ultimate Solution

SelfLube is not just a manufacturer; it's a reliable partner in the success of your projects. With a history rooted in innovation, a commitment to unparalleled customer service, the ability to customize solutions, and a track record of exceptional quality, SelfLube is the ultimate choice for those seeking precision mold and die components.

When you choose SelfLube, you're not just getting components; you're gaining a strategic ally dedicated to solving your challenges with precision and expertise. Experience the SelfLube advantage and witness firsthand how an industry leader transforms your vision into reality.

SelfLube is committed to being your trusted partner in manufacturing, providing top-quality components and custom solutions to help you achieve your goals. Reach out today and let’s chat!